Random shooting

In a horticulture show
This is a random shooting in a floral show.  I am not keen on shooting flowers -- I think flowers don't present any challenge at all.  They never move, there's lots of time to shoot them (usually), and one can either wait for the right lighting, or create the proper lighting to shoot them.
For this, as I just said, is a random shot as I was roaming the show, appreciating the flowers in early spring.  I walked pass this plant, and it was in the proper lighting, and wham, another flower picture.  The reason for the random shooting?  I was testing a new camera I acquired a few days before, what better occasion than wandering around these full blooming flowers and did some random shooting! The camera/lens combination was weird -- their price ratio when both were new was 45:1, but the lens was actually worth only 1/2 it's original price, making the ratio more like 90:1.  Turns out it wasn't a bad combination at all.  Lesson learn: get to know a lens, and you can always bring out the best of it, regardless of price.


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