Summer Grass of Vancouver

The hill on fire
I was in a ravine with tall trees that blocked the sun from getting in the woods, and there in the clearing, the brownish grass was baking in the sun, glowing as if the hill was on fire.  I marveled at the contrast of colors and light, and was glad that I took this hike on this fine summer day, with only my camera.
I sometimes wonder who would be interested at such a picture --it was like something you were able to capture almost everyday of the year, and these were insignificant trees and grass and hillsides and rocks.  I wonder if I was the only person who would be delighted to see and then capture such a bland scene of bland objects.  Here I was, taking pictures of the ordinary, knowing exactly what I was capturing, but how do I convey the idea, the feeling, the atmosphere, the tone, the mood of the moment in the picture so that others can also get it?  Well, I guess I'll just make sure that I myself am happy with what I am doing, after all. 


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