Amateur Photography

unidentified flower
At times I wonder what's the point in amateur photography -- we spent a lot of money on gears, and lots of time on getting the ins and outs of techniques, and we were glad that our pictures turned out "nice".  But, we turned the pages of National Geographic and found lots and lots of really really nice pictures of flowers, many of them exotic, taken under the best of lights, with utmost skills, with way more expensive equipment.  The world doesn't need another mediocre picture of an ordinary flower, so why am I spending all these time and effort capturing and posting this mediocre picture of an ordinary flower - (and damn it I can`t get a question mark with my Apple Keyboard, all I got is this -- É )
The answer lies in the fact that we all need that sense of getting something done, it`s like taking lessons in piano -- there are millions of piano players in the world who can play great piano, so why take all this trouble to learn to play yourself...É intriguing....


  1. For the fun of it, of course, and a personal experience. What others do is theirs, but what you do yourself, would be your own and no matter how empathetic others maybe, you alone will know the feelings, and have a first hand experience of the fun. No one can take it away from you. The journey of art is one you must travel alone. Keep it up, KK.


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