Today at 6:30pm

Kowloon Peninsula
That's Kowloon Peninsula looking from Hong Kong side.  After a few days of clear blue sky with very little haze, the visibility would be exceptionally good, and I thought the elevation of the sun at this time of the day would light up the skyline from the side, giving the buildings a very vivid three dimensional rendering.  I was wrong!  The sun was behind the buildings, the skyline became a muted silhouette, and the light level varied widely from left to right across the whole scene.  It is almost impossible to expose correctly for both sides of the picture.  A big oops when I looked at the whole scene with camera at hand.  Since I had planned for this shot and took all the trouble to bring my tripod and gears, I might as well go ahead with the shot.  It was both fun and challenging figuring out how to deal with the problems.  I took quite a few exposures (the perspective was pretty constrained -- I was inside a building behind windows), trying out in camera HDR, bracketing crazily  for subsequent HDR processing.  It is going to be a busy few days trying to make some use of the files -- tweaking with Lightroom, HDR processing in Photoshop, stitching, and ah, printing.
This is the product of about 15 minutes of Lightroom manipulation, and heavy-handed according to my standard.


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