Fun fun fun going around

Fun in Summer
The fisheye lens could be a fun lens but its use should be restrained -- too much and your pictures become boring, your perspective becomes limited, and your style becomes monotonous.  From time to time, I still find myself reaching for the fisheye lens, as in this case the lens gave me the whole sky for the riders.  I didn't spend too much time on this picture, it's more like a quick snap as I was busy trying to enjoy the midway fun. 
I found that if I'm just "walking my camera", I'll usually bring along one to two lenses and I'll make the best out of the lenses I've brought.  If I'm going on an "all out" trip, I'll usually include the little fisheye for the just-in-case moment.  It would be like 1 in a 500 pictures, but when you need it, it is frustrating not having it around, as there is no replacement for the fun effect (no photoshop'ing could do it).


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