Fisherman's Wharf, circa 1996

Fisherman's wharf, San Francisco, circa 1996
What's special about this picture?  It was taken with color film, and the negative was scanned about 11 years after it was exposed, pictures were made from it, and it was put into storage.  I could not be too serious with color film, 'cos I realized I lost the control when I could not process the film and make the print myself.  Of course almost all color film shooters never process the film themselves (professional have their dedicated lab, but still it was not done by themselves), and rarely any photographer develop their own prints.  But if you are a professional or you are well off, then you still have a lot of control over what comes out eventually; but not for me.  I'm not a professional nor am I well-off.  So after the enthusiasm waned off B/W photography when the wheel of technology moved everything forward, I never took photography serious again (until the advent of digital).  So this is just a tourist picture, taken around sunset right next to the Fisherman's Grotto. Snap, and I was off to dinner.


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