Water droplets on lotus leave

Water droplets on lotus leave 

Gee, sometimes I really wonder where photography is heading.  This is a very mundane picture of a lotus leave.  Yet when I was about to dismiss this picture, I was amazed at the details of the water droplets and I went Wow..... for nothing.  Without the high definition sensor from the camera, there is nothing to wow with this picture.  Now I'm marveling the modern technological wonder, but, nothing else.  There were tons of picture on the web that belongs to this category --  a picture of nothingness but bokeh, sharpness (or resolution), dynamic range, or whatever technology the picture was destined to convey except real content. May be our pictures are an ongoing lens/sensor/software review instead of "something to say". Oh, a higher resolution crop follows -- can't help!

Water droplets on lotus leave enlarged


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