Picture taken with a 30 years old lens

Rock Face
This is definitely a very ordinary picture of a boulder in a stream.  The thing about this picture is that it was shot with a "relatively" small sensor, with a 30 years old prime lens.  It was a MD Rokker, manual focus lens used with those Minolta SRT-101 cameras.  But this time, it was mounted to a M4/3 camera -- one of the latest ones, the OM-D.  I was awe-struck by the acuity with the lens-sensor combination.  I was given three lenses of the same origin, of different focal length, and they are just the regular lenses you'd get together with a SLR - a 50mm, a 28mm and a 100mm.  That's what I did.  Zoom lenses were unheard of at that time for ordinary folks like me.  Then these tree lenses were retired by the owner who had just "moved on".  Fortunately the owner kept them in pristine condition and just gave them to me, for nothing.  I kept them at hand, just finding ti hard to throw them away, or sell them for almost pennies.  Now they become my go-to lenses with the OM-D.  Size-wise, they maintain a prefect match to the OM-D, at least until I get to those 45mm and 90mm lenses.... This is the best of times for digital photographers.  My verdict with the "smaller sensor" cameras are not in yet, but it gets off a good start..... Thanks to these vintage lenses.


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